Echo Summit Lodge, South Lake Tahoe, CA
Echo Summit Lodge (ESL), at an elevation of 7,365 feet in the Sierra Nevada, is a large, comfortable, year-round mountain lodge. The living room provides a commanding view of the Lake Tahoe Basin and surrounding mountains. It is a perfect gathering place to meet new and old friends. The dining room features family-style seating where delicious meals are prepared, served, enjoyed—with dishes washed afterwards—all via joint effort. Both the living and dining rooms are equipped with EPA approved efficient wood burning stoves. Overnight lodging includes accommodations in dormitories and private rooms. Bathrooms are shared.
Forty thousand acres of rugged granite peaks and the alpine lakes of Desolation Wilderness area are within walking distance. Echo Lake (a mile from our lodge) and nearby Lake Tahoe are delightful places in the summer for hiking, swimming, fishing, and boating. In winter, the area excels for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Local, well-known downhill ski areas include Heavenly, Sierra at Tahoe, and Kirkwood.
The lodge is a cooperative hostel operated by volunteer members who ‘host’ for pre-scheduled time periods. Each person needs to bring a sleeping bag or sheets, pillowcase, towel, and toiletries. Each person is required to lend a hand with cooking and housekeeping.
Our Goals Include
• To provide members and their guests with a comfortable, safe, and affordable facility;
• To promote new memberships and volunteerism founded on the proper use and protection of the lodge and its environment;
• To manage the lodge to be self-financed and in compliance with Forest Service rules.
The list of hosting dates is posted in TRAILS along with the host names and contact information.
• Contact scheduled host for details. The host coordinates reservations and will confirm upon receipt of deposit.
• The amount of deposit (minimum $15 per person, per day) depends on the length of stay, but the minimum deposit is $30 per person.
• Host determines the final sign-up dates and total number of people that can be accommodated so reserve early. Host establishes a waiting list to help adjust for cancellations.
• Non-members, invited by a member, are welcome to attend up to three events. They may either enroll as Associate Members or be the guest of a member who pays for their stay.
Cancellation Policy
Notify the host if you need to cancel. Refund policy is as follows:
• Four weeks or more prior to host-period: host will refund deposit minus a charge of $5 per person.
• Four weeks to one week prior to host-period: host will refund deposit minus a charge of $5 per person, per day.
• Within one week prior to host-period: deposit will not be refunded because the host will have lost the opportunity to fill your space and food supplies will have already been purchased.
Members, please contact Trustee, Nick Gregoratos, to schedule a hosted event or private member accommodation. She maintains the roster of trained hosts and their scheduled times. She takes requests and solicits schedule fill-ins to optimize occupancy and service; the goal being to have the lodge open to members as much as possible throughout the year to provide income for maintenance, repairs, and improvements.
ESL Host Training Weekends
Host training is provided semi-annually for members with the desire and initiative to join the pool of trained lodge hosts, and thereafter organize and manage their own hosted event. Trained hosts are required to attend a Host Training Weekend every three years to keep current on lodge operations. Host training covers lodge facilities, meal planning and budgeting, Associate Member registration, and bookkeeping details. Newly trained hosts are encouraged to ‘shadow’ an experienced host before they ‘solo.’ Contact Trustee, Richard Thornton, to signup for ESL Host Training
Echo Summit Lodge Rates – Hosted Events
Adults and children over 11 years ………………………………………………………… $10 per person, per night plus tax
Children ages 4 through 11 – one half the adult rate
Under 4 years – no charge
Multiple Occupancy Rooms
Adults and children over 11 years ………………………………………………………….$15 per person, per night, plus tax
Children ages 4 through 11 – one half the adult rate
Under 4 years – no charge
Single occupancy may be accommodated on a space available basis …..$22 per person, per night
Meals (rates per person)
Breakfast – $8; Lunch – $7; Dinner – $15 ($30 per day)
Children ages 4 through 11 – one half the adult rate
Under 4 years – no charge
No refund for missed or skipped meals.
Associate Members are charged the member rate plus Associate Member dues of $10 a day per adult.
Please note: ESL lodging charges are subject to El Dorado County’s 14% lodging tax in addition to the listed rates.
Echo Summit Lodge Rates – Private Events
Mon-Thurs nights: 20$ per person, per night, 240$ minimum
Fri-Sun nights: 25$ per person, per night, 300$ minimum
Children under 4 years – no charge
These rates are for lodging. El Dorado County’s lodging tax is additional. Food is separate and organized by the host.
Echo Summit Lodge Rates – Spontaneous Events
Same per person rates as Private Events but with 50$ minimum per night.
Spontaneous Events are not exclusive.

FALL and SPRING ESL Work Parties
Maintenance and improvements at Echo Summit Lodge depend on two significant campaigns — the ESL Fall and Spring Work Parties — to prepare for and recover from the winter and summer occupancies. Participation in these multi-day work parties qualifies as a volunteer activity as expected annually from all members and are a twice-yearly volunteer opportunity for fellowship, exercise and accomplishment. While participation qualifies as a “work” activity for prospective new members, attending a work party should not be a first event at ESL (i.e., prospective new members should have attended one or more hosted events prior to participating in a work party). Sign up for one or both of these events to renew your connection to the beauty of work in the mountains. Check the CAC calendar or TRAILS for dates of these events.