October 2019
Welcome to the California Alpine Club's Outings e-bulletin. Look here for details about upcoming outings and our monthly Saturday Sorties to trails of interest throughout the Bay Area.
 So read on and enjoy!
Your Outings Committee encourages all members who attend the club’s various outings to please join meetup.com and sign up for your outings on the CAC meetup site (http://meetup.com/CAC-outings/members). By signing up on the meetup.com site, the leader can better plan his or her event. More importantly, should a last-minute change be necessary, the leader can easily notify all members of any changes in the schedule, weather expectations, the routes, road closures en route to the outings, etc. If you wish to carpool to the event, you can easily find out who else is going so that you can organize your transportation. Remember, it is not the trip leader's responsibility to ensure you have a ride! You must be a member to access this site. To join meetup.com, go to http://meetup.com/CAC-Outings. Request to join the group and your request will be sent to Ernie Castiaux, who will verify your membership and accept you into the group. Your Outings Committee appreciates your helping us to simplify communications by using this site! 
Upcoming Outings
Eel River Canoe Trip
May 7-10, 2020
A new trip in development is a three-day canoe adventure on the beautiful Eel River with Bob Hanson. This was a popular and fun outing in 2017, when the water was high and swift after a wet winter. Who knows what kind of river awaits after this year’s rains? High water or low, we can promise a beautiful waterway meandering among forests of redwood and oak. The Field Guide of California Rivers describes this section of the Eel River as “one of America’s great multi-day canoe trips in late spring-early summer." There is no outfitter for this section of the river, so paddlers will need to transport their own canoe or rent one at River’s Edge in Healdsburg. We will work on a group rate from the rental company for this adventure. More details and registration information will be posted in the November Outings e-bulletin.
Rafting Cataract Canyon
June 13-19, 2020
Stunning scenery, days of easy floating and wild whitewater paddling, and even some hiking are all on the calendar during this six-day rafting adventure in Utah’s magnificent Cataract Canyon. Our host is Mary Larkin-Berlinski and our outfitter, O.A.R.S, will fully support the trip, providing experienced guides, all river equipment and of course, delicious and wholesome camp food. The approximate cost is $1800 plus travel and lodging. More details will be published in the November Outings e-bulletin. 
Labyrinth Canyon Canoe Trip
June 22-27
Relax and leave the world behind on a canoe excursion on the quiet waters of the Green River through Labyrinth Canyon. Magnificent steep red canyon walls, smooth water, wildlife, and solitude are just some of what we’ll experience while paddling in this area. The canyon grows deeper with every twist of the river, as cliff walls rise sharply from the river’s edge, displaying a rainbow of colors with the changing light of the day and breathtaking fiery sunsets. Trip cost is estimated at $500 per person plus travel and lodging. This trip is hosted by Mary Larkin-Berlinski and is limited to 14 or 16 participants. More details will be published in the November Outings e-bulletin. 
Tuolumne Meadows Base Camp
August 17-23
At 8,600 feet elevation and one of the largest high-elevation meadows in the Sierra Nevada, Tuolumne Meadows will be our destination for four night nights of camping in Yosemite National Park. Mary Larkin-Berlinski is still working out the details so stay tuned for further information in the October Outings Bulletin. The cost is estimated at $150 per person and the trip will be limited to 22 participants. 
Great Basin National Park
September 20-24
Are Great Basin National Park and Nevada’s Ruby Mountains on your bucket list? Would you like to see the longest caves and oldest trees in the world, the bristlecone pines? Join Mary Ann Bernard for what promises to be a stunningly beautiful, fascinating and fun adventure. Ride the scenic Amtrak “party” train to Elko and enjoy three nights at the “boutique” Stargazer Inn just steps away from the park. Next door, Kerouacs restaurant offers gourmet meals (not included in trip price). Two more nights are spent in Elko, NV at a highly rated casino hotel with bar/restaurant/pool. There is more to this trip than can be placed in Trails, so look for a special announcement with full details in October. In the meantime, contact Mary Ann Bernard at mary_ann_bernard@hotmail.com if you have questions or would like further details. 

Don’t know much about Great Basin National Park? You’re not alone; this is one of our country’s least-visited parks. To whet your interest, check out the New York Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/16/travel/great-basin-national-parks-least-visited.html.
Future Outings (in the works)
The lack of outings volunteer leaders along with unexpected Outings Committee commitments have resulted in our not having much going on for the rest of 2019. New adventures for 2020 are percolating however, and the new year looks promising. The following events are in early planning stages, so we don't have dates or costs yet. Stay tuned for details, which will be published as soon as we have them worked out:
  • A winter show shoe adventure
  • A kayak outing on Tomales Bay or perhaps elsewhere
  • A one-day caving adventure with our friends at Peak Adventures (Sac State)
  • Weekend camping/hiking trips if we find leaders who would like to help
  • And Saturday Sorties to new destinations and those we have enjoyed in the past.

Saturday Sorties
In recognition of the far-flung nature of our membership as well as the beauty that the entire Bay Area has to offer, the Outings Committee has launched Saturday Sorties. Our goal is to bring the warmth and camaraderie we experience during hikes on Mount Tam to all our members, wherever they live, and create more opportunities for all to enjoy Nature’s bounty throughout the Bay Area and beyond.
Urban Hike in San Francisco
Saturday, November 2
Save the date! Ruth Tretbar will lead us on another fascinating urban walk in San Francisco. Our adventure will begin at the Ferry Building and end at the Cliff House. Who knows where Ruth will lead us in between? Our final route is being scouted, but we know it will be fun and we will enjoy vistas of the Bay and the ocean. This will be a 6 to 8 mile walk with minimal elevation gain.
Mill Valley Family Ties Walk
Saturday, November 16
Join our resident historian, Nancy Emerson, for a special walk called "Exploring Family Ties" that was presented in May 2019 for the Mill Valley Historical Society (see Historical Society map at left). This leisurely walk is just under one mile and will take approximately two hours, beginning and ending at the Mill Valley Library at 350 Throckmorton Avenue. The walk will include the part of downtown originally called Eastland, which was subdivided for the original land auction of 1890; the history of Old Mill Park; the Japanese colony and a discussion of early town characters. Meet at the library at 10:00 a.m. and bring a sack lunch to enjoy at Old Mill Park following the walk. More information can be found on the CAC Meetup site.
Tolay Lake Regional Park
Saturday, November 30
Hidden in the hills south of Petaluma, Tolay Lake Regional Park offers 3400 acres of wide-open space and a network of hiking trails and plenty of grazing cattle. Join Renee Hamilton for a 7-mile exploration of the West Ridge Trail to the Three Bridges Vista Point and a panorama of the North Bay, Petaluma River, Mt. Tam and San Pablo Bay. For those who wish, we'll gather afterward at Ernie's Tin Bar, unpretentious and worth a stop for their excellent selection of craft beers. Tolay Park is located off Lakeville Highway and is dog-friendly (dogs must be on leash). More information and directions can be found on the CAC Meetup site.
Cancellation Policy: Unless otherwise noted in the trip description,
all outing deposits and final payments become non-refundable
three weeks prior to the trip’s departure.
And just a reminder: Amazon Smile
The California Alpine Club Foundation is now a registered charity with Amazon Smile. When you shop through Amazon Smile, you have access to all the same Amazon products at no extra cost, but .5% of your purchase will be donated to the Foundation. To sign up with Amazon Smile, copy this link and paste it into the search bar: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/30-0263904. You will be automatically asked if you wish to support the CAC Foundation. It's a wonderful way to grow our foundation's good work of promoting conservation and environmental education in the Bay Area and Tahoe region.
What’s on your bucket list?

Your CAC Outings Committee is eager to expand and enhance your opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. But we need your help! Is there an activity you would like us to offer? A destination that you've always wanted to explore? Please tell us! Send your ideas and/or wish list to Renee Hamilton at rdmhamilton@gmail.com (415-686-3966) or Ernie Castiaux at ecastiaux@hotmail.com (510-909-3301).